The frenulum is a string like membrane the attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth.
Many babies are effected by a short frenulum, that may or may not cause breastfeeding / bottle feeding issues.
In most cases: babies with a short frenulum will have issues latching on or staying on the nipple.
The tongue is restricted in it's ability to extend far enough to cup the nipple effectively.
Signs of a short frenulum (tongue tie)
MAY include but are not limited to:
Slow weight gain
Fussy at the breast
Demand to be nursed constantly
A clicking noise, whilst trying to feed
Sore nipples in the nursing Mum
A reduced milk supply/ mastitis
For some babies - over time, breastfeeding challenges will resolve without specialist treatment.
But for others, it is suggested to have the baby's frenulum clipped.
This procedure is called a frenotomoy, and is simple to do, and is often done, in the Dr's office, without stitches or anesthesia.
Another short term solution is to use a nipple shield, until the baby's mouth and tongue grow enough to make breastfeeding easier.
If you are not sure, a lactation consultant or your Dr can help you assess and come up with a plan to help you deal with any potential tongue tie issue's.
Have a story you want to share, about your babies tongue tie experience? Comment below.